Sunday, February 24, 2013

Resources for Reading Help

Resources for Help with Reading

Reading is made up of these main parts: phonemic awareness (the ability to hear and manipulate the individual sounds in words), phonics (the ability to associate sounds with letters and use these sounds to form words), vocabulary (understanding the meaning of words they are reading), fluency (the ability to read a text accurately, quickly, and with appropriate expression) and comprehension (the ability to extract useful information from a text- the main purpose we read). 

These aspects are listed in order as they are mastered as a child learns to read. So if a child is struggling with phonics or vocabulary that will directly affect their ability to read fluently and comprehend a text.

This list is a compilation of resources and ideas to assist you in helping your child progress in reading found on different websites. The DIBELS reading test measured reading progress in these main areas: fluency, accuracy, and comprehension. These resources will cater to these areas as well as a few of the additional aspects of reading.

Phonemic Awareness
(Most likely students in grades k-1)

Phonemic Awareness activities:

10 ideas to improve phonemic awareness at home:

Rhyme a week, printable poems for practice:

Phonemic awareness assessment:

UEN K-2 Student Interactives:

(Most likely students in grades k-2)

Phonics games and activities online:

Online activities, printables, and things for home:

Different approaches to teaching phonics:

More online resources for phonics:


How to improve vocabulary and worksheets:

Online games:

Cloze activities (how to and practice):

Online Cloze activities:

UEN 3-6 Student Interactives:


Printable activities (scroll down to fluency):

How to improve fluency:

Fluency assessment passages:

Ideas from Pinterest:


When A Child Doesn’t Remember What He Reads (article):

Fostering Reading Comprehension, a “how to”:

Printable worksheets:

Online games and activities:

Games and activities broken down by comprehension skill:

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